Many of my clients get a little scared when I first recommend them to get a chemical peel facial, and I can understand why. The word "chemical" is often referred to a bad thing. Let's dig in to understand why a chemical peel is probably the best thing you can do for your skin.
Is Chemical Peel Good For Your Skin? Idan Med Spa Our skin is built mainly out of 3 layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis which is the deepest one. Most of the products we apply on our skin doesn't even penetrate the first layer, the epidermis. When we want to treat and repair imperfections that we have in our skin such as pigmentation, acne, enlarged pores, redness, we need to get deeper, we need to focus our attention deeper than the surface.
A flawless, wrinkle free, even tone complexion is lying just beneath the surface of your skin—and the good old chemical peel is the fastest way there!

An illustration of what people think when they hear chemical peel
What are the different types of chemical peel?
Is Chemical Peel Good For Your Skin? Idan Med Spa There are many types of chemical peels, the 2 main depth I highly recommend are: Superficial peels penetrate only the epidermis, medium-depth peels affect the entire epidermis and a portion of the papillary dermis. The deep Peels are involved with more risks and my clients get beautiful results without getting them.
Lactic acid peel - Derived from lactose. Specifically used to treat hyperpigmentation, age spots, and other factors that contribute to a dull and uneven complexion.
Glycolic acid peel - Derived from sugar. The glycolic acid improves your skin’s texture, rebuilds collagen and can help reduce uneven coloration due to acne, age spots and sun damage.
Salicylic acid peel - Derived from fruits, particularly berries, and vegetables. Best for acne, it helps by dissolving the type of skin debris that clogs pores and causes acne.
When we know what skin issue we want to heal and remove we can choose the right peel for you. And that's the most important part! Choosing the right peel for you!
Does chemical peel hurt? Is Chemical Peel Good For Your Skin? Idan Med Spa After deciding what type of peel would be the best for you, you're on the fast way to see results!
The process itself is not as bad as many people might think, for some people it feels like you have a spicy sauce on your skin, and for some people they just feel a little tingling. Either way it's worth the few minutes of having the peel of your skin.
With some peels we will leave on for a few minutes and wash off, and some of them we will apply to fully absorb.
when conducted by a licensed skin care specialist, chemical peels are exceptionally safe.
What is the recovery time for a chemical peel?
For light chemical peels recovery time is about four to seven days. Your skin may temporarily be lighter or darker.
For medium chemical peels recovery time is about five to seven days, though you may have redness that persists for months. Your skin will initially swell, and then form crusts and brown blotches before revealing new skin.
Remember - peels are great here and than, but way more effective when done in a series of 4-5.

What is the after care for a chemical peel?
Do Not: Pick, Pull, or Scratch
As your skin begins to peel, it is tempting to pick or pull on any loose or peeling skin. Resist! Touching, picking, or pulling on the peeling skin interrupts your skin’s natural healing cycle. What’s more, you are likely to interfere with the results, increase your chance of infection, and may even cause permanent hyperpigmentation.
Do: Be Gentle
Remember, your skin will be vulnerable and in a very delicate state after your chemical peel. Treat your skin with care and be careful not to be too harsh on your already fragile skin. Do not exfoliate or use a skin-cleansing device. It is also advised that you avoid certain skincare products that may cause further irritation, such as retinols and alpha hydroxyl acids. Continue to be nice to your skin as it regenerates. Once the peeling has stopped, the newly revealed fresh skin cells are just as delicate and sensitive.
Do: Hydrate in Moderation
As the chemicals start to work, it is only natural that your skin may feel tight, dry, and itchy. This makes it tempting to over hydrate. Don’t! Remember, the whole point of a chemical peel is to left the dull, damaged and dead skin cell flakes to peel away. In order to get the full benefits of a chemical peel, you need to let this process happen in its own time. Instead of over-hydrating, continue to moisturize as you normally would.
Do: Protect Your Skin
Your skin is much more susceptible to sun damage following a chemical peel. If and when possible, do your best to stay out of the sun entirely—especially for the first one to two weeks following your peel. Make sure to apply sun protection in the form of a broad spectrum sun screen every morning and reapply throughout the day as needed. If your skin is left unprotected, there is a higher chance that it will develop blotchy patches and irregular coloring. Feel free to contact us for any questions you may have about recovering and taking care of your skin after your chemical peel.