Our Locations
Visit Us in California! Advanced Facials & Real Results in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Scroll down for directions and details.
Southern California
Los Angeles
Located in the heart of Encino on Ventura Blvd, our beautiful new spa is the premier destination in the Los Angeles Valley. Easily accessible from Highway 101, we're here to provide advanced, transformative facial services. Book online or visit us today!
Hours: Mon-Fri 10AM - 7PM, Sat-Sun 10AM - 6PM
Phone: (818) 661-2524
Directions: 17217 Ventura Blvd, Encino CA 91316 (Ground floor near the fountain)
Email: info@idanmedspa.com

Northern California

San Francisco
Located in the Mission District, easily accessible from highway 101. Book online or walk in and inquire about our transformational facial services.
Hours: Mon-Fri 10AM - 7PM, Sat-Sun 10AM - 6PM
Phone: (628) 222-7522
Directions: 3520 20th St, Suite C, San Francisco CA 94110
Email: info@idanmedspa.com